
Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Things that have recently blown my mind...

1. Charles Barkley stating, "Alabama accusing Auburn of cheating is like Snooki telling Halle Berry she's ugly."

2. Toddler's and Tiaras - do these parents actually believe that they are building their children's confidence?  or are these kids living dreams that the parents always wished for themselves?  5 year olds doused in makeup, getting flippers (aka dentures because your kid lost her two front teeth - COMPLETELY NORMAL), and putting fake hair seems a bit outrageous to me.  I would love to see how these children turn out in 10-20 years.  Maybe that is what I should study in graduate school, the effects on the mental health of children pageants.  These may somehow benefit the child, but personally, I think you are setting your kid up for false ideas about beauty and themselves at a very impressionable age.

3.  This guy... Dave Ramsey, became a millionaire in his 20's, filed bankruptcy, and was able to become a millionaire again based on simple economic principles.  Your financial status is 80% behavior and 20% smarts.  It's a good read so far.  I recommend it.  He's also a Christian, even cooler.

4. And one of these kept a couple together through a really extreme rough time that would've driven married people to divorce.  The power of the post it note marriage.  (This is from Grey's Anatomy)

(I have lost count on my countdown, I will resume it again some point soon, I think it is in the teens now!)

Hope everyone is having a great hump day!

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