
Saturday, November 5, 2011


Alrighty, so I mentioned that I was feeling crafty earlier.  I LOVE pinterest because it revives the creative juices in me, but it also distracts from things I should be doing like finishing graduate school applications... oh wait, I am literally about 10 minutes from being done!  SOOOO, I decided to craft.  I have been seeing the wreath that has crayons all over it...  Here is the example

I decided to make it Christmas theme.  I have also decided that it really isn't as cute as I thought it was going to be.  Granted, I am not done, so I may change my mind tomorrow or whenever I finish it. 

SO, step 1.  Go shopping (I mentioned earlier that I don't like shopping, I really don't unless it's something cool that I want to make versus something that I put on).

I bought 2 boxes of 64 crayons (you would be surprised at the limited number of reds in the box and the plethora of greens, apparently there is more green shades in the world than red), I also bought a styrofoam circle, silver ribbon (haven't used this yet), silver wire, silver wrapping paper, and then red bow things.  The crushed wilson ball is not supposed to be a part of this craft (dog toy).

Step 2, cut the styrofoam circle in half... BE CAREFUL, I literally thought I had stabbed myself today.

Step 3, wrap the ring in wrapping paper, you could also spray paint, or cover in fabric, or come up with something else that would be awesome... come to think of it I may wrap red and green ribbon around it like a weave, might spice it up a little

Step 4... Add the bows

Step 5... decide you don't like the bows, so take them off, and start arranging the crayons, I also decided that I didn't like the crayons length.  So I split them in half and lined them up this way. 

So, that's where I am, I still don't know what I think about it.  I will put the completed picture up at some point and you can decide for yourself.  Obviously the last steps would be to hot glue the crayons down and decide on how you want to hang it.  So finished craft coming up soon!  Happy (or not so happy) Crayon Wreath.

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