
Saturday, July 23, 2011

Lessons Learned and Relearned From Children and Each Other This Summer

While we try to teach our children all about life,
Our children teach us what life is all about.
~Angela Schwindt

These are lessons that we (KCox, Kelsie, Katherine, Kelly, Marsha, and Morgan) have learned or relearned from children/each other this summer.  It is amazing what children can teach you.

  1. You are NEVER too young to look like a mom
  2. Roll with the punches
  3. Laughing is the best medicine
  4. You only need one friend who will kill bugs for you (Kelly)
  5. There is so much joy in the little things of life... catching a kickball for the first time
  6. It is OK to miss home
  7. There is fun in every situation
  8. Don't get behind in talking to people
  9. It is ok to itch your mosquito bites
  10. It is ok to live with ants, especially when they are eating other bugs for you
  11. All you have to do today is... (love others, love children, teach horseback, etc.)
  12. Some of the best memories are made when you are exhausted
  13. You can make a living off of balloon arches and throw a heck of a party with twinkle lights and butcher paper
  14. Love really is spelled T-I-M-E
  15. Keep someone around who wake up early
  16. It is ok to go to sleep early
  17. How to hug someone so enthusiastically that you suffocate them
  18. Horse body parts are not easily explained... "Why is it growing?"
  19. Ant colonies can be very active and angry
  20. Making someone a friendship bracelet is the best way to thank someone else
  21. Beiber never gets old
  22. It is ok to be yourself 
  23. Honesty is the best policy and it is transformative
  24. There is power in knowing names
  25. Enjoy the today