
Tuesday, December 22, 2015

I'm Back... I think

Well, it certainly has been quite some time since my last blog post, which wasn't even mine.  Thanks Heather for that sweet blog take over!  Since Heather's blog, a lot of things have happened.  I just survived my 11th semester of graduate school.  Yes, 11 semesters, 4 or 5 more to go.  Brian and I got married in August (catching that bouquet at Heather's wedding was no joke).  Wedding planning, engaged life, and the wedding was an adventure in and of itself :)  We went to Belize on our honeymoon!  And we have been camping in Colorado.  I am sure that I am missing a couple of key events.  

So, I am not 100% sure where my blog is going to head, but I imagine it will be decently interesting with the occasional... what just happened?  

Without further ado, I'm back... I think... Stay thirsty my friends

Love, JJ