
Sunday, February 26, 2012

Past and Present

I used to see this...

and think...


Now I see this...

And think...


Growing up is no fun.

Thursday, February 23, 2012


I did it. Feeling very accomplished today. I skied some of Jupiter bowl with some friends today. Might I add how freaked out I was. Some might call me a chicken and it used to bother me, but I embrace it now. I just try to not let my chickenness hold me back and set limitations.

Anywho it was pretty fun. Glad I did it. Great snow. Skied through trees. And I made it down twice on rhino. Woot woot. Professional skier in the making (of pizza wedges of course ;)

Saw the porcupine again today. His official name is Snuggles donned by Megan.


Wednesday, February 22, 2012

What a day


A couple of things.  Today has been a great day.

1. I got invited to be a part of Claudia Dozier's lab at the University of Kansas.  And I accepted.

2. I got to teach Signature 3 SUPAstars today for the first time.  And it was awesome.  If you come to Park City and teach I highly recommend getting certified so that you can teach superstars.

3. Skied three feet away from a porcupine today

4. I talked to Clare from Modern Family today as well.  CRAZY!  I like her a lot better in life than I do in the show.


PS.  thanks for all the prayers about graduate school.  it has been much appreciated.  

Sunday, February 19, 2012


Delta rules the airplane realm. Haven't flown southwest but every other time I take a flight other than delta they don't have good service, are late, or dump ice on the floor and push it under people's chairs. Get it together people.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Saturday Ramblings

Something I'm thankful for... Frozen dog poop. Makes it easy to pick it up.

Silly story... I dropped my mittens in the toilet today... Before I flushed it. Sorry if that was too much information.

Something to look forward to... Interview at Kansas. Pray for me!! The bulk of it is Monday and I'm freaking out.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012


I'm not going to lie.  I love Valentine's Day.  It might be surprising to many people, but it's true.  I just think it is a great day to remember all the many people in your life that you love and to tell them that you love them.  I need to call my siblings now that I am thinking about it.

So Mallard and Lola say "Happy Valentine's Day"

As serene as the puppies look in this picture, they were just posing for bones.  It has now turned into the running of the bulls.  They are trying to get each other's red ribbons off and are doing it quite successfully.  So, here's to hearts day.  Just enjoy the cheesiness.  And I'll enjoy babysitting.   

Much love!

Saturday, February 4, 2012


Soooooo, tipping, it is such a regular occurrence in our everyday lives that you don't really think about it until you work a job that you kind of depend on tips.  Yes, ski instructors should be tipped.  I may sound super bratty right now, but people will tip the coat checker a couple of bucks for just handing them their coat, a waitress will still get 10% even if her service was terrible, and you might hand a couple of bucks to the bellman as well.  Well, after a 6 hour day of putting kids feet into pizzas, picking them up constantly off the ground, dealing with their crying and complaining, and basically entertaining them all day, the least someone could do is put a few dollars in our pockets.  Lessons are expensive, but we receive the bare minimum tip wise.  I know I am complaining.  But, this job has put a new light on tipping.

Yesterday and today, after 10 lessons with the same 13 kids (all of which could not ski in the beginning), I received two twenty dollar bills (estatic about)

AND A...


with only THREE in it.

Moral of the story folks, think about where your money is going.  

I still love you even if you don't tip me.

Love Jessica