
Tuesday, December 22, 2015

I'm Back... I think

Well, it certainly has been quite some time since my last blog post, which wasn't even mine.  Thanks Heather for that sweet blog take over!  Since Heather's blog, a lot of things have happened.  I just survived my 11th semester of graduate school.  Yes, 11 semesters, 4 or 5 more to go.  Brian and I got married in August (catching that bouquet at Heather's wedding was no joke).  Wedding planning, engaged life, and the wedding was an adventure in and of itself :)  We went to Belize on our honeymoon!  And we have been camping in Colorado.  I am sure that I am missing a couple of key events.  

So, I am not 100% sure where my blog is going to head, but I imagine it will be decently interesting with the occasional... what just happened?  

Without further ado, I'm back... I think... Stay thirsty my friends

Love, JJ

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Jessica and Brian sitting in the tree...

First comes love.
Then comes marriage (yep, you guessed it).
Then comes baby in the baby carriage (whoa, not yet).  

Hi!  My name is Heather and I am guest posting on the blog today.  I am the friend that is constantly asking Jessica to update her blog.  Since she hasn’t posted in forever, I thought that I would help her out…

Jessica and I have been best friends since the 6th grade.  She has been by my side through thick and thin.  Most recently, she stood by my side on my wedding day. (Thanks for everything, Jess!  You’re the best!)  Jessica caught my bouquet and now it is her turn!  She is going to be the most beautiful bride (trust me on this one)!  Jessica, I can’t wait to see what wonderful things God has in store for you and Brian.  Best wishes!  I love you!

Congratulations, Jessica and Brian!

Monday, June 23, 2014

Recent Ramblings (since March 23)

Its been a while.  Zimmerman reminds me of that monthly.  Sorry I don't post all that often.  I can't really post anything about school.  It would not be HIPPA compliant unfortunately.  Maybe I will have a list of crazy things kids say one day for y'all.  Here are some recent ramblings as of March 23rd...

My friend Zimmy is no longer at the end of the alphabet when you alphabetize people by their last names.  She is now at the beginning of the alphabet.  She managed to alphabet climb from Z all the way to A.  She always did everything to the best of her ability, and if she was going to move up in the alphabet, it had to be to an A.  Being an M, not worth it, but an A, now that's something ;)

Breezy and I consider ourselves lucky to have been able to celebrate you two!  And we wish you many, many years of happiness.  I think Breezy's mustache would say the same thing.  (Also, if you get married in Athens, consider having your rehearsal dinner at High Wire... the food and alcohol to die for.  Granted, Breezy and I never get to eat Southern food so our eyes were as big as our stomachs - boiled peanuts, fried okra, pimento cheese (no one outside of the south knows what this delicacy is), grits...).  Oh, did I mention that I finally caught the bouquet?  Trained hard for that one.  

My brother got a puppy!  How precious is this one?

I defended my thesis and passed!!!

Breezy bought a tandem bike.  This is the hit of our parties.  Everyone likes to take it for a spin.  Thinking about getting married?  You should buy a tandem bike.  There are many articles that speak to the importance of it such as this one.

My dad surprised me and showed up for my presentation of my thesis to the department.  Meant the world to me.  I kept saying, "I can't believe you are here.  Are you seriously here?"  It now makes sense why Breezy was cleaning so frantically that week.  

Our friend made it to his 500th unique beer on Untappd.  This is quite an undertaking, so Breezy and I made him a cake.

We started gardening, so we went composting.  Stinky stinky stinky.  I am pretty sure the wind blew some in to my eye...  eek.

I got hooded!  Thanks parents.

My dad decided to ride the tandem bike.  Solo... Typical.

Nana fed the babies some pup cups (ice cream cups for the puppies from Freddy's, it is amazing how much free stuff they get just by being in the car and riding through drive throughs, from here on out they will always hover over my shoulder when I pull through one).  

I got to see the bean in Chicago at 7:30 in the morning (btw, no one is out at this time).  

Got to see this sexy momma.

Convinced some people to go kayaking through downtown Chicago one night.  AMAZING!

Pretty pretty.

Gave my first professional presentation at our international conference (Dad I think I slowed my talking down)

We went to Miami, and Breezy had a really inappropriate conversation with Siri.


Popping champagne.

War damn eagle :)

Jet skiing with my man!

Mallard likes to eat corn on the cob.  And she eats it properly.  

Zimmy... excuse me Aquiny (that doesn't really work... I will stick to Zimmy-Aquino) came to visit!  And we went to Boulevardia and made some beautiful memories.

We got another visitor.  I must admit, living in the middle of the country has some perks, particularly when you know people that live west and east of the middle.  We get to welcome those traveling across the country and give them a place to stay!  And we of course enjoy the company.  

We gave our visitors the Juanico-Foster breakfast treatment, from which they may never recover.  Zimmy-Aquino probably has nightmares from the dogs trying to lick her feet.

Trombone shorty at KC Crossroads.

Some produce from our salsa garden.  These are jalapeños.  A bell pepper just popped down as well as two tomatoes!

And I reminisced on how much the puppies had grown up, while Breezy was getting his heart checked (all clear!).  

Needless to say, a lot has happened between March 23 and June 23.  Wow, that is weird and definitely was not planned (the dates of my two posts).  Until next time adventurers.

keep adventuring,
~ j.

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Puppy Superlatives

My dogs are probably dirtier than yours...

This one probably lays in stranger positions...

And this one might make cooler sounds...

Just saying.

Happy Sunday!  

Saturday, February 1, 2014

CAUTION: Aggressive Data

No one warned me coming in to graduate school that data are aggressive.  A little heads up would have been nice.  Sometimes data elope.  Sometimes data jump out at you.  And sometimes, data try to kill you.  So, consider yourself warned.

Data - 1
Jessica - 0


68 degrees one day, -3 degrees the next...  Spring, winter, spring, winter.  I think it is about time the Kansas weather considered taking some meds...

Friday, January 10, 2014

Oh the Places You Will Go

Brian and I love going on road trips and traveling.  I don't know how this started, but we like to take pictures at each state's welcome sign.  So far, we have 14 states.  For Christmas this year, I decided to finally start compiling the states that we do have in to a map.  This is what I have so far...  We don't have Missouri yet because Missouri places their signs in dangerous locations, and we also don't have Oklahoma because there were some serious storms/tornados when we drove through that state.  One of the interesting things that I have learned in this process is how small the southern states are compared to the western states.  The west is gigantic.  And the Texans don't lie.  Texas really is massive.  I had to print a 5 x 7 and a 4 x 6 to cover that state.  

Of course I am working on this rather than writing my thesis.  The joys of procrastination.  I always get so much done when avoiding other work. 

I definitely think Kansas has the funniest picture thus far because I now live in this state, and we all thought it was the most awful state (don't worry, I now appreciate Kansas much more; however, the drive is still miserable to get to Colorado).  The picture was taken on the return drive from spring break 2011.  It was a 25 hour drive from Vail, CO to Auburn, AL, and we left after a glorious day of skiing due to 6 inches of new powder.  So, we were all miserable having to leave.  You would be surprised at how long it takes to get from the western border of Kansas to the eastern border of Kansas.  A very long, long time on the same highway the entire long, long way.  

Next project: Bottle cap counter top!